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Kentmere Pan 400 Film Sample Photos

black & white film photo of a rural landscape looking between two trees Kentmere Pan 400 film sample images

Kentmere Pan 400 Film – Let’s take a look at some sample photos.

  • Kentmere Film made by Harman Technologies
  • 400 ISO
  • Fine grain & good sharpness
  • available in 35mm & 120 film formats


I was pleasantly surprised by this film. Many of you will know of my unwavering love for Ilford FP4+ but this film, shot at box speed, produced images I’m definitely stoked with.

Being so used to deep blacks, it was delightful to see so much clear shadow detail. I tested this in photos like the skull which had a very large difference between light and dark. The light in the skulls right eye was almost 5 stops brighter than it’s left eye and the detail in the background was even darker.

We believe Kentmere Pan 400 film is a great place to start for beginner photographers looking to not only shoot black & white film, but also to discover the world of self developing their own rolls as it is a very forgiving film with a large dynamic range.

While these 10 Kentmere Pan 400 Film sample photos are from one single roll, it’s a film I think will start gracing my camera a little more frequently.

Perhaps next I’ll try Kentmere Pan 400 in the 120 format. I think that will work really nicely.

  • Developed in Ilfotec HC
  • Epson V700 Flatbed Scan

Sample photos on Kentmere 400 Black & White Film