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Local Photographer Aayden Thomas’ Melbourne Marathon Quest

supporting local photographer, Aayden Thomas
photo: Gorak Photo

At Loop Art & Photo Space, we’re always inspired by the incredible people in our community who are driven to make a difference. One such person is Aayden, a local photographer who’s not only capturing stunning images but is also preparing to tackle one of the biggest challenges of his life: running a full marathon.

Why the Marathon?

For Aayden, running a marathon has been a dream ever since he found his passion for running a few years ago. “It seemed like the ultimate challenge, something that felt so out of reach when I started,” he shared. Now, after completing a couple of half marathons, he’s ready to push himself further and see how he feels at the end of a full marathon.

The Significance of This Marathon

This marathon is particularly special to Aayden because it’s one of the biggest running events in his hometown. He’ll get to run through the streets and landmarks that have shaped his life. “It’s an opportunity to face something I would usually shy away from, and I’m excited to see it through,” he said.

A Personal Milestone

Completing this marathon is more than just a physical challenge; it’s a testament to Aayden’s personal growth. “As cheesy as it sounds, it feels like the culmination of a lot of growth over the past few years. It’s an undeniable statement to myself that I can overcome obstacles,” he explained.

Training for Success

Training has been intense but rewarding. With the support of a personal trainer, Aayden is running multiple times a week and focusing on strength training to stay healthy for the marathon. His dedication to this journey is inspiring, but it’s not just about crossing the finish line—it’s about raising funds for a cause close to his heart.

Running for Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Alongside his marathon journey, Aayden is raising money for the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, a cause that is deeply personal. Both of his parents have battled cancer, and thanks to advancements in research and treatment, they are still here to share in his journey. “This is my way of giving back,” he said. “Every challenge I undertake is for everyone that I’ve lost. I try my best to live on as wholly and completely as I can for my friends and family that didn’t get the chance. I want to make them proud.”

At Loop Art & Photo Space, we’re proud to support Aayden as he prepares for this monumental challenge. We believe in the power of community and are inspired by his determination to give back through his passion for running. If you’d like to support his cause, consider donating to the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and cheering him on as he takes on the marathon.

Aayden has been a long-time supporter of Loop and was one of our first darkroom students.

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