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Photography With Purpose – 5 Reasons to Make Photos

photography with purpose

1 - Documenting Friends & Family

One of the biggest reasons we pick up a camera is to make photographs of our family & friends. And why not, huh?!

We spend so much time with our people but often it seems like it’ll never be enough. So, we resort to having photographs of all the good times we share together. Whether it’s just the everyday happenings around home or the big adventures we’re fortunate to embark on, take photographs of them all.

When you flip through classic photo books and magazines, full of behind the scenes looks into the lives of the rich & famous, it’s often the photos from the lazy days on the couch or in the recording booth that stand out for many of us. Seemingly meaningless photographs that tell the stories untold. So when you’re making photos with your friends & family, think of these moments. Document the small things.

They’ll be important photographs later, I’m sure of it.

record the world around you - photography with purpose

2 - Recording How You See The World

It’s a different world when you have a camera. Many photographers will describe how they see an entire new world when they have their camera in front of their eye. So this is your time to shine. Raise that camera and let us see how you see the world.

During our photography classes, while we may mention some of the ‘rules’ and guidelines for composure in photography, we make a point not to ruin your natural view. Your perspective is unique and what makes your photographs undeniably yours.

Take a look around you and make photographs of things that stand out to you.

3 - Showcase Your Interests & Hobbies

A lot of young skaters pick up a camera to document their friends progression. While their friends are landing tricks, they’re laying on the ground getting the angles that make their tricks look even bigger. But it’s not exclusive to skate boarders. No not at all.

Most of us have hobbies. Maybe it’s Lego, or horse riding, or puzzles. Some of us love to go hiking on the weekend and what better way to tell our friends how the weekend was by showing them one of your photographs you made! I mean, landscape photography is hugely popular for a reason, right?

If the internet has taught me anything, it’s that no matter how oddly specific an interest may seem, there’ll be other people who share the same passion.

photography exhibition in olinda at Loop Art & Photo Space

4 - Creating For An Exhibition

Mate, have you thought about hosting an exhibition for your favourite photographs? What about joining a group exhibition?

Making a set of images for a show, whether on your own or part of a collaborative display, helps drive the creativity in new, unimagined ways. What story do you think you might tell? Is there a theme? Do you focus on a particular style?

What about the medium? Has the date been set? All of these questions and more beg to be answered and help get your mind working on a complete set of images.

When we think in terms of an exhibition, a mindset shift often takes place and we change how we look at our work. To make an impact, our photographs are not only printed but they’re printed large. Seeing your work like this is incredible satisfying and requires far more attention to detail. People can’t swipe away so they’re going to spend a lot more time looking at your image or set of images. Guests to your show will discuss the work and critique it and hopefully purchase your art for their home.

While this may terrify you, use it as fuel to make better, more purposeful photographs.

beijingmeetsmelbourne - photography exhibition, book launch & this, four women photographers at the photo book making masterclass

5 - Publishing A Zine Or Photo Book

A really simple, effective and reasonably cost effective way to make photography with purpose is to publish a zine or photo book.
Small run printing options are everywhere now and the barriers to entry are almost non-existent. And, if you’re not ready to make your own photo book or zine, there’s plenty of people that would love you to join their zines.

BONUS REASON - Make Photography With Purpose - Just Because!

If that’s not enough, easily the most important and delightful way to make photography with purpose is to simply make photographs for yourself. Just because you enjoy doing it. For no other reason that the joy of wandering about, pushing a little button. That’s enough reason to buy some film, load up an SD Card or pick up your smart phone and make an image of what you see.

That is all.